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In the proportion of one grain to the ounce it is an excellent wash in chronic vaginitis and diseases of the cervix uteri cheap 4mg zofran medicine everyday therapy, in gonorrhœa and gleet, and with a spray apparatus, in chronic nasal catarrh. It is an excellent escharotic, and has been employed to destroy chancre and chancroid, epithelial growths, and cancer. For this purpose it is usually combined with an equal proportion of gum arabic and water, until it has the consistence of a paste. It may also be employed in nervous dyspepsia, the tongue being broad, and abdomen full. In fine powder it is used as a dressing to moist eruptions of the skin, balanitis, sore nipples, excoriations, etc. It may be used in progressive locomotor ataxy, in aphasia, paralysis agitans, and in the condition commonly diagnosed as “softening of the brain. In this strength, and up to saturation, it is used as an injection in old abscesses, fistulæ, sinuses, disease of bone, etc. The object is to destroy the disease germs, and change the condition from a specific to a simple inflammation. A thorough application of the strong injection is followed by a much weaker solution, which is sometimes continued until a cure is effected. The intention of the author in first presenting this little volume to the profession, was to lay before them a concise statement of what was really known of the direct action of medicines, and to incite to a re-study of the Materia Medica. It has well served its purpose in calling attention to the subject, in causing investigation, and in pointing out the road to a better practice of medicine. The principal work in this direction, since its first issue, has been done in the Eclectic Medical Journal, and we propose to give here the principal articles that have appeared in the past two years. It might be better if they were rewritten and systematized, but probably they will serve the purpose well in their original form. For if there are repetitions, there is the freshness and earnestness that attaches to a first presentation of a subject; and it is sometimes well to see how a thing grows - we can better estimate its merit. They tell the story plainly and emphatically, and I have yet seen no reason to take back ought that has been written. I admit that the study of medicine, as I would pursue it, is more difficult than the old routine, and that it also requires an exercise of brain far beyond it. But surely, if there can be certainty in diagnosis, and precision in giving remedies, it is worth all the thought which is given it. And hence, a list of medicines, as long as the moral law, is named, with a “may be given in this disease with prospect of advantage. Hence flows the shot-gun method of prescribing, whereby the more common drugs are combined in platoons, and fed into the sick. To a lover of fun, (medical fun I mean), there is no better reading than a druggist’s prescription book, if the reader has his eyes open to its absurdity. Passing by the queer combinations of remedies, ten, twenty, thirty, fifty different ingredients, (combining compounds), we have all manner of incompatible mixtures - milky, grumous, flaky, deposits, etc - all kinds of queer tastes, agreeing only in being nasty - all kinds of activities represented in the same bottle - stimulant, sedative, narcotic, tonic, emetic, cathartic, etc. But beyond this we find the doctor ignoring the law of medicinal incompatibles, and combining his remedies so that one neutralizes the other - as giving Belladonna and Gelseminum, Belladonna and Opium, Stramonium and Opium as a local application, etc. Read your Materia Medica, and you find the description of a remedy commencing - “this agent is said to be emetic, cathartic, diaphoretic, diuretic, stimulant, tonic,” etc. I do not want to be understood as saying that all practice but mine is absurd, for I know that the large majority of physicians do prescribe in part directly, and do expect a definite result by so doing. And I claim further, that every physician, no matter what school of medicine he belongs to, finds success in so doing. Examine your methods of treating disease, and the remedies you use, and you can not but be convinced of the truth of this. If this is so, hold fast to all your direct remedies and increase the list as far as you can, but discard at once and forever all those shotgun formulæ, and all indirect methods. Need I say again “that the earlier Eclectics prescribed directly,” and used “Specifics,” and had success by so doing. If any one doubts it, I will be glad to have him read the five volumes of “The Medical Reformer,” and the early volumes of the Eclectic Medical Journal. And get especially the early history of our indigenous remedies, and you will find that they were given singly, and for their direct curative influence. And now we come to the really important point, how will we study Specific Medication? As has been stated, we must study diagnosis with reference to conditions of disease, and not to select a name from the nosological list.

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However cheap zofran 4 mg line medicine 44334, in cases of significant osteoporosis with minimal displacement, the fracture can be difficult to detect, and a bone scan may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Most notable is the “open-book” fracture of the pelvis as a result of anterior-posterior compression of the pelvis (Fig. In this case, the pubic symphysis is disrupted, allowing the opening of the pelvic ring anteriorly, and, in the posterior aspect of the pelvic ring, the sacroiliac joint usually is disrupted. As a consequence, the venous plexus that lies anterior to the sacroiliac joint is damaged, and excessive bleeding can occur. Since the pelvis volume is increased as a result of the pubic symphysis diastasis, significant blood loss can occur. Physical examination demonstrates the instabil- ity of the pelvis as obvious motion is detected with compression of the iliac wings together. The situation can be temporized in the emergency room setting either with straps or percutaneous tongs. Once cleared, the patient should be brought to the operating room for application of an external fixator that closes down the pelvis and prevents excessive Figure 33. This can be a lifesaving procedure and should not be delayed unless absolutely necessary. High-energy lateral compression injuries to the pelvis also result either in disruption of the pubic sym- physis of the pubic rami on the anterior aspect of the pelvis and dis- ruption of the sacroiliac joint or a crush injury of the sacral body on the posterior aspect of the pelvis. Although blood loss is expected with this injury, the pelvic volume is not expanding, and, consequently, urgent stabilization of the pelvis rarely is required. Fractures of the hip are divided into two categories: intracapsular and extracapsular. In elderly patients, a fracture of the femoral neck can result in an impacted valgus position of the fracture fragments, and this is treated routinely with screw fixation. When a fracture of the femoral neck is displaced, the blood supply to the femoral head usually is disrupted, and there is a significant risk of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Consequently, many of these injuries are treated with primary hemi- arthroplasty in the elderly patient. However, in the younger patient, a displaced femoral neck fracture should be treated with more aggres- sive attempts to achieve a reduction of the fracture to a near-anatomic position and fixation with screws. Extracapsular or peritrochanteric fractures of the femur can result in significant blood loss into the thigh. This needs to be recognized, especially in the elderly patient with a low cardiac reserve. These injuries generally require surgical treatment with screw and side plate fixation or intermedullary fixation. Fractures in the intertrochanteric region heal readily while fractures to the sub- trochanteric region of the femur have a much higher significance of nonunion and hardware failure. In cases of peritrochanteric fractures of the hip, avascular necrosis is not a concern. Fractures of the femoral shaft are the result of high-energy injuries, such as motor vehicle accidents or falls from a significant height. Phys- ical examination of the thigh should be thorough to be sure that there is not an open wound associated with the femoral shaft fracture. These injuries require surgical fixation, and this usually is done in an inter- medullary fashion. Knee and Lower Leg The osseous anatomy of the knee consists of the distal femur, the prox- imal tibia, and the proximal fibula. This often is considered a hinged joint, although rotations do occur about the longitudinal axis and in the coronal plane. The proximal fibula articulates with the proximal tibia, but this occurs distal to the femorotibial articulation. Its deep surface is covered with artic- ular cartilage, and the patella articulates with the femur. The primary role of the patella is to increase the length of the extensor moment arm. Since very little muscle tissue overlies the knee joint, muscle contu- sions are not common. In general, significant contusions tend to occur in the posterior aspect of the lower leg as a result of direct blows to the gastrosoleus complex.

Case A 22-year-old man is brought to the emergency room following a high- speed motorcycle accident zofran 8 mg visa treatment 1 degree burn. The paramedics report that the patient struck a tree and that there was a 5-minute loss of consciousness. On arrival, the patient has the following vital signs: respiratory rate, 12; blood pressure, 150/75; heart rate, 92. He opens his eyes to painful stimuli, follows simple commands, and answers questions with inappropriate words. The majority of head injuries (80%) are mild head injuries, with the remain- der divided equally between moderate and severe head injuries. After completion of the initial trauma eval- uation and if the patient is hemodynamically stable, a focused head injury evaluation should be initiated. It is important to attempt to obtain a thorough history of the mechanism of the trauma as well as of the events immediately preceding the trauma, because specific infor- mation, such as the occurrence of syncope prior to the accident, neces- sitates an evaluation for the etiology of such an event. The score is determined by the sum of the score in each of the three categories, with a maximum score of 15 and a minimum score of 3. These definitions are not rigid and should be considered as a general guide to the level of injury. When muscle relaxants have been administered to a patient, only the pupillary exam is available for evaluation. Narcotics cause pupillary constriction, and medica- tions or drugs that have sympathomimetic properties cause pupillary dilation. These effects often are strong enough to blunt or nearly elim- inate pupillary responses. Prior eye surgery, such as cataract surgery, also can alter or eliminate pupillary reactivity. A normal pupillary exam consists of bilaterally reactive pupils that react to both direct and consensual stimuli. Bilateral, small pupils may be caused by narcotics or pontine injury (disruption of sympathetic centers in the pons). If the pupil does not constrict when light is directed at the pupil but constricts when light is directed into the con- tralateral pupil (intact consensual response), this usually is the result of a traumatic optic nerve injury. If a unilateral dilated pupil does not respond to either direct or consensual stimulation, this usually is a sign of transtentorial herniation. Unilateral pupillary constriction usually is secondary to Horner’s syndrome, in which the sympathetic input to the eye is disrupted. Horner’s syndrome may be caused by a disrup- tion of the sympathetic system, either at the apex of the lung or adja- cent to the carotid artery. Ocular Movement Exam: When there is a significant alteration in the level of consciousness, there often is a loss of voluntary eye movement, and abnormalities in ocular movements may occur. When voluntary eye movements cannot be assessed, oculocephalic and oculovestibular testing may be performed. Oculocephalic testing (doll’s eyes) assesses the integrity of the hor- izontal gaze centers and involves observation of eye movements when the head is rotated rapidly from side to side. This maneuver is con- traindicated in any patient with a known or suspected cervical spine injury. Oculocephalic testing is performed by elevating the head 30 degrees and briskly rotating it from side to side. A normal response is for the eyes to rotate away from the direction of the movement as if 32. Evaluation and Management of Traumatic Brain Injury 567 they are fixating on a target that is straight ahead, similar to the way a doll’s eyes move when its head is turned. If the eyes remain fixed in position and do not rotate, this is indicative of dysfunction in the lateral gaze centers and is referred to as negative doll’s eyes. Oculovestibular testing (cold water calorics) is another method for the assessment of the integrity of the gaze centers. Oculovestibular testing is performed with the head elevated to 30 degrees and requires the presence of an intact tympanic membrane. In oculovestibular testing, ice-cold water slowly is instilled into the external auditory canal. This causes an imbalance in the vestibular signals and initiates a compensatory response. Cold water irrigation in the ear of an alert patient results in a fast nystagmus away from the irrigated ear and a slow, compensatory nystagmus toward the irrigated side.

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