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Blood biochemistry revealed no underlying abnormality to cause the stones: calcium buy generic zebeta 10 mg on line heart attack 42 year old, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase and uric acid were normal. The probable cause of her renal disease is reflux nephropathy because of her sex, history of recurrent infections and the scar on the left kidney. Long-term management comprises prophylactic antibiotics, immediate treatment of acute urinary infections, control of hypertension and regular measurement of renal function. These should be supervised from a fixed base, despite the patient’s peripatetic existence. It settled over the next few hours but there is still a mild ache in the right side on deep breathing. She felt a little short of breath for the first hour or two after the pain came on but now only feels this on stairs or walking quickly. Four years ago something very similar happened; she is not sure but thinks that the pain was on the left side of the chest on that occasion. There is decreased tactile vocal fremitus and the intensity of the breath sounds is reduced over the right side of the chest. Pneumothoraces are usually visible on normal inspira- tory films but an expiratory film may help when there is doubt. There is no mediastinal displacement on examination or X-ray, movement of the mediastinum away from the side of the pneumothorax would suggest a tension pneumothorax. Although she had symp- toms initially, these have settled down as might be expected in a fit patient with no under- lying lung disease. A rim of air greater than 2 cm around the lung on the X-ray indicates at least a moderate pneumothorax because of the three-dimensional structure of the lung within the thoracic cage represented on the two-dimensional X-ray. The differential diagnosis of chest pain in a young woman includes pneumonia and pleurisy, pulmonary embolism and musculoskeletal problems. However, the clinical signs and X-ray leave no doubt about the diagnosis in this woman. Pneumothoraces are more common in tall, thin men, in smokers and in those with underlying lung disease. There is a suggestion that she may have had a similar episode in the past but it may have been on the left side. There is a tendency for recurrence of pneumothoraces, about 20 per cent after one event and 50 per cent after two. Because of this, pleurodesis should be con- sidered after two pneumothoraces or in professional divers or pilots. The immediate management is to aspirate the pneumothorax through the second inter- costal space anteriorly using a cannula of 16 French gauge or more, at least 3 cm long. Small pneumothoraces with no symptoms and no underlying lung disease can be left to absorb spontaneously but this is quite a slow process. Up to 2500 mL can be aspirated at one time, stopping if it becomes difficult to aspirate or the patient coughs excessively. If the aspir- ation is unsuccessful or the pneumothorax recurs immediately, intercostal drainage to an underwater seal or valve may be indicated. Difficulties at this stage or a persistent air leak may require thoracic surgical intervention. This is considered earlier than it used to be since the adoption of less invasive video-assisted techniques. In this woman the apical bulla was associated with a persistent leak and required surgical intervention through video-assisted minimally invasive surgery. Marijuana has been reported to be associated with bullous lung disease, and she should be advised to avoid it. He was unable to look after himself at home because of some osteoarthritis in the hips limiting his mobility. Apart from his reduced mobility, which has restricted him to a few steps on a frame, and a rather irritable temper when he doesn’t get his own way, he has had no prob- lems in residential care. He has been trying to get out of his bed and his chair, and this has resulted in a number of falls. Prior to this he had only been incontinent on one or two occasions in the last 6 months. He thinks that there is a conspiracy in the ward and that the staff are having secret meetings and planning to harm him.

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In these cases 5mg zebeta fast delivery prehypertension, the presence of blood must be interpreted with caution, particularly if in small quantity, 90 Rogers and Newton because traces of uterine blood may be present at any time of the cycle (7) and, currently, there is no accepted method of differentiating between traumatic or uterine blood (111). Furthermore, even traumatic bleeding may result from con- sensual sexual acts (see Subheading 8. On rare occasions assailants injure their penises during a sexual act, and this may be the source of blood found in the vagina. The quantity of semen in the vagina will diminish progressively with time, usually as a result of drainage. The posture and activity of the complain- ant subsequent to the act are likely to affect this. Drainage of semen from the vagina may also result in soiling of intimate clothing items worn at the time, and these can prove valuable sources of body fluids. It has been observed that spermatozoa can be isolated for longer periods in the endocervix. Studies that compared paired swabs from the vagina and cervix have found that 2 days or more after vaginal ejaculation there is a larger quantity of spermatozoa on endocervical swabs compared with the vaginal swabs (115). Therefore, it is recommended that if a complainant presents 48 hours or more after alleged vaginal intercourse, an endocervical swab be taken in addition to the swabs from the vagina. There is interest in the possibility of determining the timing of inter- course by changes in spermatozoa. Spermatozoa may remain motile in the vagina for up to 24 hours and longer in the cervical mucosa (50,118,119), but the periods for persistence are extremely variable. For example, Rupp (120) observed that motile spermatozoa persisted longer in menstruating women but added that identification is hindered by the presence of red blood cells, and Paul (121) reported that the period of spermatozoa motility ranged Sexual Assualt Examination 91 from 1–2 hours at the end of the menstrual cycle to as long as 72 hours at the time of ovulation. However, the morphology of the spermatozoa does show more consis- tent temporal changes. In particular, the presence of large numbers of sperma- tozoa with tails is indicative of recent intercourse. The longest time after intercourse that spermatozoa with tails have been found on external vaginal swabs is 33 hours and 120 hours on internal vaginal swabs (122). Examination Methods The forensic practitioner should inspect the mons pubis and note the color, coarseness, and distribution (Tanner stages 1–5) of any pubic hair. A note should also be made if the pubic hair appears to have been plucked (including bleeding hair follicles), shaved, cut, or dyed. Then the vulval area must be carefully inspected before the insertion of a speculum, because even gentle traction on the posterior fourchette or fossa navicularis during a medical examination can cause a superficial laceration at these sites. Whenever possible, the vagina and cervix should be inspected via the transparent speculum after the high vaginal samples have been ob- tained. Colposcopy and the application of toluidine blue dye are two special- ist techniques used by some forensic practitioners during female genitalia examinations. Colposcopy A colposcope is a free-standing, binocular microscope on wheels that is most commonly used for direct visualization of the cervix (using a bivalve speculum) after the detection of abnormal cervical cytology. Many centers, particularly those in the United States, advocate the use of the colposcope for external and, where relevant, internal genital and/or anal assessments of com- plainants of sexual assault. The colposcope undoubtedly provides considerable advantages over gross visualization. First, it provides magnification (5–30 times) and greater illumi- nation, enabling detection of more abnormalities. Slaughter and Brown (123) demonstrated positive colposcopic findings in 87% of female complainants of nonconsensual penile penetration within the previous 48 h, whereas gross 92 Rogers and Newton visualization has historically identified positive genital findings in only 10– 40% of cases (37–39,124,125). Second, with the attachment of a still or video camera, the colposcope allows for a truly contemporaneous, permanent video/photographic record of the genital/anal findings without resorting to simultaneous dictation, which has the potential to distress the complainant. If a video is used, it will docu- ment the entire genital examination and will show any dynamic changes, such as reflex anal dilatation. If appropriate, the medical findings can be demon- strated to the complainant and carer; some teenagers have apparently appreci- ated the opportunity to have any fears of genital disfigurement allayed by the use of this equipment. Finally, if a remote monitor is used, the whole examination can be viewed by another doctor for corroboration or teaching purposes without additional parties having to be present during the intimate examination. Obviously, it is important that in all cases the colposcopic evidence be interpreted in the context of the limited information that is currently available regarding colposcopic assessments after consensual sexual acts (90,126,127). Toluidine Blue Toluidine blue stains nuclei and has been used on the posterior fourchette to identify lacerations of the keratinized squamous epithelium that were not apparent on gross visualization (128,129). Use of toluidine blue increased the detection rate of posterior fourchette lacerations from 4 to 58% in adult (older than 19 years) complainants of nonconsensual vaginal intercourse, from 4 to 28% in sexually abused adolescents (11–18 years old), and from 16.
