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Nucleic Acids to Down syndrome: problems and approaches [In Process Cita- Res 1989;17(1):453 cheap 20mg prilosec with mastercard gastritis hemorrhoids. Serotonin receptor knockouts: a moody subject [com- 36. Cluster analysis and tion, toxicology, and drug safety evaluation. Cancer Res 1999; display of genome-wide expression patterns. Large-scale gene expression data analysis: a new chal- effects on the cell cycle and the DNA damage response are linked lenge to computational biologists [published erratum appears in to altered gene expression. Exploring the metabolic and expressed genes associated with paclitaxel resistance using cDNA genetic control of gene expression on a genomic scale. Science array technology: analysis of interleukin (IL) 6, IL-8, and mono- 1997;278(5338):680–686. Systematic changes in Clin Cancer Res 1999;5(11):3445–3453. Distinct types of diffuse Proc Natl AcadSci USA 1999;96(17):9721–9726. Distinctive gene Proc Natl AcadSci USA 1997;94(24):13057–13062. Toward a protein-protein interac- differentially expressed in breast cancer. Cancer Res 1999;59(21): tion map of the budding yeast: a comprehensive system to exam- 5464–5470. Proc Natl AcadSci USA 2000;97(3): identification of cell cycle-regulated genes of the yeast Saccharo- 1143–1147. BARONDES When the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology variety of problems in neuropsychopharmacology. For ex- was founded in the mid-1950s, molecular biology and ge- ample, measurements of the levels of expression of large netics were in their infancy and had little to offer neuropsy- numbers of genes in various brain regions and nerve cells are chopharmacology. By 1967, when the first volume in this providing information about the molecular basis of normal series was published, it still had not become apparent how brain functions, and the effects of drugs on these functions. Of more than a hundred papers in that the molecular pathogenesis of mental disorders. As work on volume—Psychopharmacology: A Review of Progress the human genome continues it will lead to the identifica- 1957–1967—only a few used tools of molecular biology. It will also provide new targets for the creation is the result of the development of two types of new technol- of better drugs, with greater efficacy and specificity. One of them, the automated sequencing of the nu- The six chapters in this section provide a sampling of the cleotides in DNA, facilitated the decoding of the structure molecular and genetic tools that are being used to advance of all genes, including those that make up the human ge- neuropsychopharmacology. The other consists of ways to manipulate the struc- ing so rapidly, the authors provide overviews rather than ture of individual genes in isolated cells or in intact organ- extensive details. In this way they hope to make these tools isms, and to measure their levels of expression. This made it comprehensible to the nonspecialist, and to invite their fur- possible to directly study the biological actions of particular ther application. These terms are becoming commonplace, and are already scattered throughout this book. By the time the next volume in this series appears, it is likely that the methods that they Samuel H. Barondes: Center for Neurobiology and Psychiatry, Depart- ment of Psychiatry, University of California–San Francisco, San Francisco, refer to will be so widely used in our field that a separate California 94143-0984.

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Many of the presymptomatic genetic testing 10mg prilosec with visa gastritis diet paleo, and most testing has been techniques of positional cloning, including marker develop- carried out under careful protocols involving extensive ment, recombination and haplotype analysis, linkage dis- counseling and patient education (22). Most persons, in- equilibrium, physical mapping, and exon amplification, cluding those testing positive, state that they are relieved to were first developed or tested during the search for the HD know the results, and this knowledge enables them to face gene (12). Not all patients, however, Using exon amplification and cDNA cloning, the actual have had unequivocally positive experiences with testing gene (IT15 or huntingtin) was identified in 1993 (15). The central difficulty stems from the availability of a mutation proved to be an expansion of a CAG repeat, mak- presymptomatic test for a disorder with limited therapeutic ing HD a member of a group of similar triplet repeat disor- interventions (at present), a dilemma termed the Tiresias ders (9, 16-18). It spans a genomic region of more than 200 kb Repeat Length Instabilityand HD Clinical and is transcribed into two versions of mRNA, varying only Genetics in the length of their 3′ untranslated region, The open read- ing frame encodes a protein of about 350 kd with no signifi- Analysis of the triplet repeat has clarified the issue of new cant homology to known proteins (15,19). The previous belief, that new HD muta- tions do not occur, was disproved with the discovery of the HD repeat expansion. The lengths of normal repeats change Genetic Diagnosis in fewer than 1% of intergenerational transmissions; when Diagnosis of HD has been greatly simplified by the direct the length does change, it is typically by only one triplet. Previously, genetic diagnosis re- The frequency of changes in length increases with transmis- quired cumbersome linkage analysis, impossible if family sion of longer repeats and becomes appreciable for alleles members were not available or were not heterozygous for the with repeats of intermediate length (29 to 35 triplets). By contrast, the direct gene test, typically a ing paternal transmission, these alleles are more likely to single polymerase chain reaction, enables the length of the expand then to contract, and the change, unlike in normal repeat in each allele to be measured. The test is highly sensi- repeats, is often of more than one or two triplets. On occa- Chapter 125: Huntington Disease 1821 FIGURE 125. The age at which affected parents and their affected children first manifest disease symptoms is depicted as a survival curve. The younger generation is affected at a substantially earlier age. Correlation of repeat length with age at onset senblatt A, et al. As repeat length increases, age at onset of disease de- chiatric disease. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1999;56:1019–1031, with creases (n 480; r2 0. Trinucleotide repeat expansion and neuropsy- chiatric disease. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1999;56:1019–1031, with permission. Therefore, new HD mutations do occur, aris- appears to be less, perhaps because mature spermatocytes ing from alleles in the intermediate range (24,25). Factors have undergone, on average, more cell divisions than mature increasing instability include change of a CAA triplet adja- oocytes. The increased likelihood of transmission of an ex- cent to the CAG repeat into a CAG and advanced paternal panded repeat as paternal age increases is consistent with age. The nature of the HD mutation now provides a molecu- lar basis for understanding anticipation, the phenomenon of increasing disease severity or decreasing age of onset in successive generations (26). In our clinical sample of af- fected parent-child pairs, there was no significant change in the age of onset in maternal transmission, but a mean ad- vance of 8 years in paternal transmission. In addition, it is now clear that most patients with juvenile-onset HD arise from paternal transmission (19,27,28). Two features of the molecular genetics of HD explain the phenomenon of antic- ipation (29,30). First, the age of HD onset is inversely corre- lated with repeat length, a quite striking phenomenon (Fig. Second, the length of the expanded triplet repeat is unstable in vertical transmission (Fig. Paternal alleles more frequently expand then contract during trans- mission, whereas maternal alleles have an equal probability of expanding and contracting. Instability increases as repeat length increases (27,31). The net result, driven by paternal transmissions, is a skew toward earlier ages of onset in suc- cessive generations of a family. Increase in repeat length with paternal transmis- sion of the HD disease allele. Points above the diagonal line repre- The increasing length of the repeat in paternal transmis- sent cases in which the repeat length increased during transmis- sion appears to arise during spermatogenesis (32).

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An alternative approach is to employ an endopheno- ships between different phenotypes indicate that the same type as a trait specific marker prilosec 10 mg otc gastritis ibuprofen, e. On Serotonin is involved in behavioral inhibition and is a target chronic exposure to alcohol they show less evidence of toler- for the pharmacologic treatment of alcoholism. These mice also work harder to self-administer cocaine serotonin reuptake inhibitors play a limited role in modify- and show an increased locomotor response, behaving as if ing craving for alcohol and also modify other comorbid already sensitized to the drug (69). The dopamine-related genes that have been knocked out Pathologically low levels of serotonin may contribute to in mice are the DRD4 dopamine receptor, which is located impulsivity and ASPD; for example, a group of criminal, at the site of one of the alcohol QTLs, the D1 and D2 alcoholic Finns was shown to have low cerebrospinal fluid dopamine receptors, the dopamine transporter, and (CSF) 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA), the lowest lev- VMAT2 (the vesicular transporter). The DRD4 knockout els being found in those who had committed impulsive mice appear to be supersensitive to ethanol, cocaine, and crimes (75). These are the alcoholics who would be most amphetamine (70). Mice lacking the D2 receptor consume likely to have a serotonin gene variant affecting function. VMAT2 knockout mice have a pronounced supersensitivity to cocaine, amphet- Serotonin Transporter amine, and ethanol (72). The availability of brainstem serotonin transporter, mea- For morphine preference, three loci identified on murine sured by (I-123) -CIT and single photon emission com- chromosomes 1, 6, and 10 are apparently responsible for puted tomography, has been found to be significantly re- nearly 85% of the genetic variance in this trait (73). The duced in alcoholics, and correlated with ratings of opioid receptor gene is located at the site of the largest depression and anxiety during withdrawal (76). A functional QTL, and this QTL also affects consumption of alcohol polymorphism, 5-HTTLPR, in the serotonin transporter and cocaine (73). Several association analyses result is a large genomic region of interest rather than a have shown that the s-allele, which reduces transcriptional gene. There may be functional compensation in knockout efficiency, is increased in French alcoholics (79), severely mice during development. Mice and humans may not share affected German alcoholics (80), and early-onset, violent the same functional variants at the same allele; for example, Finnish alcoholics with ASPD (81). However, neither link- the ALDH2-2 allele is not even present in all human popu- age nor association for the s-allele was found in a family- lations and is not found in mice. However, QTL analyses in mice are useful ciation study of alcoholics with withdrawal seizures was also for the identification of candidate genes and gene regions. Population stratification may be a problem GENETICS OF REWARD NEUROCIRCUITS, with these association studies as allele frequencies have been AND NEUROCIRCUITS REGULATING shown to vary in European-American, African-American, IMPULSE CONTROL and Japanese populations (85). Candidate Gene Approach: Case-Control Serotonin-Metabolizing Enzymes Association Studies A tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) intron variant that affects A logical approach to understanding vulnerability to alcohol splicing is associated with reduced 5-HIAA and suicidality addiction is to look directly for variants in genes involved in impulsive alcoholics (86,87). Of particular interest is the reward pathway, incorporating sero- Serotonin Receptors toninergic, GABAergic, dopaminergic, opioid, and gluta- Several serotonin receptors are known to be abundant in matergic neurotransmission, and the largely serotoninergic the NAC: 5-HT1B, 5-HT2C, 5-HT3, 5-HT4, and 5-HT6. Genes for neurotransmitter me- There are as yet few published studies in which these seroto- tabolizing enzymes, transporters, and receptors are good nin receptors have been genotyped in humans. Because of the complexity of causation of alco- Studies in rats suggest that activation of 5-HT1B recep- Chapter 99: Molecular and Cellular Genetics of Alcohol Addiction 1419 tors in the NAC may be inhibitory on the behavioral effects transcriptionally significant promoter polymorphisms offer of elevated mesolimbic dopamine transmission (88) by promising tools for understanding the roles of DRD2 (101) primarily modulating the activity of glutamatergic hip- and DAT (102) in alcoholism. In a large sib-pair linkage analysis Opioid Receptors of Finnish alcoholic criminal offenders, significant evidence of linkage and association of antisocial alcoholism to Three endogenous opioid receptors ( , , and ) are the HTR1B G861C was found, and this was also observed in targets of the major opioid peptides ( -endorphin, enke- a Southwest American Indian tribe, suggesting that a locus phalins, and dynorphins, respectively). The rewarding prop- predisposing to antisocial alcoholism may be linked to erties of - and -receptor ligands are brought about by HTR1B at 6q13-15 (90). Activation Activation of 5-HT receptors inhibits DA release in of receptors is dysphoric. However, the functional Cys23Ser polymor- plicate the opioid system, particularly the opioid receptor, phism does not appear to be associated with alcohol depen- in both initial sensitivity or response to alcohol, and in the dence (92). Subjects at high 5-HT receptors may be involved in several facets of risk for alcoholism have been shown to have lower basal 3 alcohol-seeking behavior, alcohol intoxication, and addic- plasma -endorphin levels but a more pronounced release tion (93); however, at the present time there are no pub- after exposure to ethanol (103). Some studies have found lished studies on the role of 5-HT variants in alcoholics. How- ever, association and sib-pair linkage analyses of Asn40Asp, GABA Receptors a opioid receptor polymorphism, in 100 U. The power to detect a small to moderate effect of OPRM1 varia- A GABA receptor exists as a number of subtypes that are tion on alcohol dependence (105). Findings were also nega- A composed of combinations of at least 14 different subunits.
