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By Y. Larson. Texas Tech University. 2018.

Currently discount tadacip 20 mg with amex erectile dysfunction treatment urologist, as a minister coming to the retirement home to Wehbeh-Alamah is conducting an ethnonursing do a worship service or a church choir traveling study of the culture care of Syrian American to the retirement home to entertain the residents. In addi- The nurses at the retirement home practiced tion to discovering the culture care meanings, be- culture care preservation by maintaining the in- liefs, and practices of this group, she will compare volvement of churches in the daily lives of both cul- this study with her previous studies to arrive at uni- tural groups to help residents face living in a versal and diverse care findings among Muslim im- retirement home with increasing disabilities related migrants from diverse cultures living in the United to aging and handicaps, and even dealing with the States. This study revealed their elderly relatives enhanced the health and life- care implications for nurses who practice in retire- ways of both Anglo and African American elders ment homes, nursing homes, apartments for the in the retirement home setting. In contrast with the Anglo In 2000, McFarland & Zehnder (in press) con- American findings, African American spouses, chil- ducted a two-year ethnonursing study of the cul- dren, extended family members, and nonkin who ture care of German American elders living in a were considered family reflected the care pattern of nursing home in a small Midwestern city in the families helping elderly residents. Their findings, which confirmed great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, grandnieces, many of McFarland’s (1997) earlier findings, in- and grandnephews, as well as church members or cluded many care beliefs and practices that required friends who were considered family and were re- culture care preservation. German American elder ferred to as brothers, sisters, or daughters, were in- care practices included caring for fellow residents volved in caring for African American elders. The by assisting confused residents to find their assigned nursing staff recognized the importance of family seat in the dining room or making items for the an- involvement in the care of residents and practiced nual bazaar to raise money to buy flowers for the culture care preservation to maintain culture spe- nursing home courtyard garden, thereby benefit- cific family care practices for residents from each ting all of the residents. Most African American resi- African American elders and was confirmed in this dents had left homes that were in unsafe neighbor- German American study. African American nursing staff recog- from the local German American church and pas- nized the importance of protective care and often tor. The pastor conducted a worship service and a accompanied African American residents when Bible class in German each week. The nursing staff made care, provided by connections with the Lutheran efforts to practice culture care accommodation by Church, was essential to German American elders negotiating to take the residents outside to sit on in maintaining their traditional lifeways and health the small grass strip around the perimeter of the in the nursing home setting. Professional nurses need to be more ac- ethnonursing studies of elder care conducted by tively involved in culture care repatterning as co- transcultural nurses with diverse cultures world- participants with elders to restructure lifeway wide. This will hopefully lead to the discovery of practices, care routines, and the environmental universal and diverse care meanings, beliefs, and context of nursing homes (including room designs practices to meet the needs of the increasing num- and privacy considerations). Culture care restruc- bers of elders worldwide who value generic culture- turing of these care-related concerns can only be specific care to reaffirm their cultural identities in accomplished when nurses assume an advocacy the latter phase of their lives. The culture care theory, with the ethnonursing method, assisted the researcher in The purpose of the culture care theory (along this study in the discovery of action and decision with the ethnonursing method) has been to modes that were culturally specific for Anglo and discover culture care with the goal of using African American elders residing in a long-term the knowledge to combine generic and care institution. The theory fo- culturally congruent nursing care using the cuses on a long-neglected area in nursing three modes of nursing actions and decisions practice—culture care—that is most relevant that is meaningful, safe, and beneficial to to our multicultural world. The clinical Universality is depicted in the sunrise enabler use of the three major care modes (culture as a rising sun. This visual metaphor is par- care preservation or maintenance; culture ticularly apt as the future of the culture care care accommodation or negotiation; and cul- theory shines brightly indeed, because it is ture care repatterning or restructuring) by holistic, comprehensive, and fits discovering nurses to guide nursing judgments, decisions, care related to diverse and similar cultures, and actions is essential in order to provide contexts, and ages of people in familiar and culturally congruent care that is beneficial, naturalistic ways. The theory is useful to satisfying, and meaningful to the people nurses and to nursing and to professionals in nurses serve. The studies of the four cultures other disciplines such as physical, occupa- just reviewed (Lebanese Muslim, Anglo tional, and speech therapy, medicine, social American, African American, and German work, and pharmacy. Health-care practition- Americans) substantiate that the three modes ers in other disciplines are beginning to use are care centered and are based on the use of this theory because they also need to become generic care (emic) knowledge along with knowledgeable about and sensitive and re- professional care (etic) knowledge obtained sponsible to people of diverse cultures who from research using the culture care theory need care (Leininger, 2002). This chapter has reviewed only a small selection of the culture care findings from ethnonursing research studies conducted over the past four References decades. Culture care expression, meanings, and experi- ings of interest to practicing nurses who care ences of pregnant Mexican American women within Leininger’s for clients of all ages from diverse and similar culture care theory. Mexican American women’s expressions of the tional and community contexts around the meaning of culturally congruent prenatal care. Nursing and anthropology: Two worlds to found in the Journal of Transcultural Nursing blend. Transcultural nursing presents an exciting (1989 to 2004) and in the numerous books challenge. Caring: The essence and central focus Nurses in clinical practice are advised to con- of nursing. Nursing Research Foundation Report, 12(1), sult a list of research studies and doctoral dis- 2–14.

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Exercise Exercise has been linked to health in term of its impact on body weight and via its beneficial effects on coronary heart disease (see Chapter 7) cheap 20mg tadacip with visa erectile dysfunction medicine reviews. Accidents Accidents are a very common and rarely studied cause of injury or mortality. Research has also examined the effects of stress on accidents and correlational research suggests that individuals who experience high levels of stress show a greater tendency to perform behaviours that increase their chances of becoming injured (Wiebe and McCallum 1986). Further, Johnson (1986) has also suggested that stress increases accidents at home, at work and in the car. If this is the case then the stress following illness also has implications for the health of individuals. Such stress may influence individuals’ behaviour in terms of their likelihood to seek help, their compliance with interventions and medical recommendations, and also adopting healthy lifestyles. Therefore, stress may cause behaviour changes, which are related to the health status of the individual. Research indicates that stress causes physiological changes that have implications for promoting both the onset of illness and its progression. Stress and illness onset and progression Stress causes changes in both sympathetic activation (e. Sympathetic activation: The prolonged production of adrenalin and noradrenalin can result in: s blood clot formation; s increased blood pressure; s increased heart rate; s irregular heart beats; s fat deposits; s plaque formation; and s immuno suppression. These changes may increase the chances of heart disease, kidney disease and leave the body open to infection. These changes may increase the chances of infection, psychiatric problems and losses in memory and concentration. These physiological changes can be further understood in terms of Johnston’s chronic and acute model of the stress illness link (Johnston 2002). This results in ongoing wear and tear and the slower process of atherosclerosis and damage to the cardiovascular system. Acute stress operates primarily through changes in sympathetic activation with changes in heart rate and blood pressure. This can contribute to atherosclerosis and kidney disease but is also related to sudden changes such as heart attacks. So far the behavioural and physiological pathways have been presented as separate and discrete. Stress may cause changes in behaviours such as smoking and diet which impact upon health by changing the individual’s physiology. Likewise, stress may cause physiological changes such as raised blood pressure but this is often most apparent in those that also exhibit particularly unhealthy behaviours (Johnston 1989). Therefore, in reality, stress is linked to illness via a complex interaction between behavioural and physiological factors. Further, Johnston (1989) argued that these factors are multi- plicative, indicating that the more factors that are changed by stress the greater the chance that stress will lead to illness. To some extent this is due to the role of variables such as coping, control, personality and social support which are described in detail later on. However, research indicates that this variability is also due to individual differences in stress reactivity, stress recovery, the allostatic load and stress resistance. Stress reactivity Some individuals show a stronger physiological response to stress than others which is known as their level of ‘cardiovascular reactivity’ or ‘stress reactivity’. This means that when given the same level of stressor and regardless of their self perceived stress some people show greater sympathetic activation than others (e. Research suggests that greater stress reactivity may make people more susceptible to stress-related illnesses. For example, individuals with both hypertension and heart disease have higher levels of stress reactivity (e. However, these studies used a cross sectional design which raises the problem of causality. The results showed that stress and illness were not linked in the children with low reactivity but that those with higher reactivity showed more illness if they had experienced more stress. Everson and col- leagues (1997) also assessed baseline stress reactivity and explored cardiac health using echo cardiography at follow-up. The results showed that higher stress reactivity at base- line was predictive of arteriol deterioration after four years.

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Make a list of common postoperative complica- concerns about the surgical experience? Describe how you would monitor the patient for these complications and what nurs- ing measures you would take to prevent them proven tadacip 20mg erectile dysfunction workup aafp. Be sure to include cardiovascular complications, shock, hemorrhage, thrombophlebitis, respira- tory complications, pneumonia, atelectasis, and 2. What intellectual, technical, interpersonal, Use the following expanded scenario from and/or ethical/legal competencies are most Chapter 30 in your textbook to answer the likely to bring about the desired outcome? Scenario: Molly Greenbaum is a 38-year-old woman diagnosed with recurring vaginal cysts. Her physician recommends a vaginal hysterec- tomy to be performed on an outpatient basis. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care, 7th Edition. Which of the following is an appropriate guide- line for providing perineal care for a patient? When bathing your patient, you notice time permits the gum line to change, she has a rash on her arms. Use a tepid bath to relieve inflammation water because the plastic material may and itching. Soiled dressings or anything with a strong ent age groups, which of the following should odor should not be placed in the waste the nurse consider? In general, room temperature should be are protected from infection by a natural between 20 and 23 C (68 and 74 F). Secretions from skin glands are at their tions immediately outside the patient’s maximum from age 3 on. Which of the following statements accurately with aging and is prone to wrinkles and describe findings that may be made when dryness. Hard deposits called tartar may be found on Circle the letters that correspond to the best the teeth if plaque is allowed to build up. Which of the following actions are appropriate steps when making an unoccupied bed? Ideally, brush teeth immediately after sheet with its center fold in the center of eating or drinking. If desired, use an automatic toothbrush to head of the mattress, forming a corner remove debris and plaque from teeth. Which of the following statements accurately as cleaning agents for short-term use. Clean the eye from the inner canthus to need to open and close the stand to obtain the outer canthus using a wet, warm wash- bath basin, lotion, and other items. Use artificial tear solution or normal saline appropriate height with the wheels twice a day when the blink reflex is unlocked. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care, 7th Edition. The care provided to a patient shortly before the lids closed when the blink reflex is he/she retires to bed (assistance with toileting, absent. Clean the patient’s external ear with a a plastic bag containing 8 to 10 premoistened washcloth-covered finger. A marked inflammation of the gums on preparation or brush all areas with involving the alveolar tissues toothbrush and paste. Absence or loss of hair on the head is called attack the fibers that fasten teeth to the baldness or. An inflammation of the tissue that surrounds the teeth Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care, 7th Edition. Hard contact lenses should be removed that builds up on everyone’s teeth and before sleeping and should not be worn eventually leads to the destruction of more than 12 to 16 hours.

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