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By O. Brant. Purdue University. 2018.

Raloxifene makes hot flashes worse; and while a vitamin D analogue might help maintain Ca2+ order 100 pills aspirin fast delivery treatment for acute shingles pain, it would not have any effect on the vasomotor symptoms. Patients taking glucocorticoids long term have suppressed pituitary–adrenal function and do not respond to trauma with increased cortisol biosynthesis. Isotretinoin is a retinoid that is especially useful in treating acne; it reduces oil production in the skin. Ketoconazole inhibits a number of P-450–catalyzed reactions but not the pro- duction of thyroid hormone. Sulfonylureas such as glyburide increase the release of insulin from the pan- creas. They also may cause an increase in insulin receptors, which increases tissue sensitivity to insulin. They do not slow insulin clearance, and they do not decrease glucocorticoid levels. Thiazides and loop diuretics have opposite effects on Ca excretion; loop diu- retics like furosemide increase Ca2+ excretion and hence reduce hypercalcemia. Calcitriol would be the most effective agent for hypocalcemia in a patient with impaired liver function. The drug of choice is usually the most active drug against the pathogen or the least toxic of sev- eral alternative drugs. An antibacterial agent is often used prophylactically against single microorganisms (e. The choice of drug depends on the effectiveness of host defense mechanisms in controlling the infection. The drug selected for use may be either a bactericidal agent (causing the death of the microorganism) or bacteriostatic agent (temporarily inhibiting the growth of the microorganism). Drug choice is related to the mechanism of drug action in one of the following general categories: a. Host determinants include history of drug reactions; site of infection; renal, hepatic, and immune status; age; pregnancy and lactation; metabolic abnormalities; pharmacokinetic factors; preexisting organ dysfunction; and genetic factors. Bacterial determinants include intrinsic resistance, escape from antibiotic effect, and acquired resistance, which can occur as a result of the following: 1. Spontaneous, random chromosomal mutations, which occur at a frequency of 10–12 to 10–5. These mutations are commonly due to a change in either a structural protein receptor for an antibiotic or a protein involved in drug transport. Conjugation is the passage of genes from bacteria to bacteria via direct contact through a sex pilus or bridge. Conjugation occurs primarily in gram-negative bacilli, and it is the prin- cipal mechanism of acquired resistance among enterobacteria. Structure and mechanism of action (1) Penicillins are analogues of alanine dipeptide (Fig. Modifications of the R-group side- chain (attached to the b-lactam ring) alter the pharmacologic properties and resistance to b-lactamase. Gram-positive bacteria with thick external cell walls are particularly susceptible. The genes for b-lactamases can be transmitted during conjugation or as small plasmids (minus conjugation genes) via transduction. Common organisms capable of producing penicillinase include Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Bacillus, Proteus, and Bacteroides species. Selected drugs and their therapeutic uses (Table 11-1) (1) Penicillin G and penicillin V are mainly used to treat infections with the following organisms (resistant strains of bacteria are being isolated more frequently): (a) Gram-positive cocci (aerobic): Pneumococci, streptococci (except S. This group represents the most common pathogens for which first-generation penicillins are used today. Pro- benicid, a uricosuric agent that blocks renal secretion of penicillin, is used rarely for this purpose. Chapter 11 Drugs Used in Treatment of Infectious Diseases 255 (3) Penicillinase-resistant penicillins (oxacillin, dicloxacillin, and nafcillin) are used pre- dominantly for penicillinase-producing staphylococcal infections. Ampicillin is useful for infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumonia, Streptococcus pyrogenes, Neisseria meningitides, Pro- teus mirabilis, and Enterococcus faecalis. Amox- icillin is commonly used for endocarditis prophylaxis before major procedures.

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The power of a two-sample t-test increases with (a) larger differences in scores between the conditions purchase aspirin 100pills laser pain treatment utah, (b) smaller variability of scores within each condition, and (c) larger ns The related-samples t-test is more powerful than the independent-samples t-test. Effect size indicates the amount of influence that changing the conditions of the independent variable had on the dependent scores. Cohen’s d measures effect size as the magnitude of the difference between the conditions. The proportion of variance accounted for (computed as r2 ) measures effect pb size as the consistency of scores produced within each condition. The larger the proportion, the more accurately the mean of a condition predicts individual scores in that condition. All other things being equal, should you create a related-samples or an independent-samples design? We study the relationship between hot or cold baths and the amount of relaxation they produce. The relaxation scores from two independent samples are Sample 1 (hot): X 5 43, s2 5 22. We investigate if a period of time feels longer or shorter when people are bored compared to when they are not bored. Using independent samples, we obtain these estimates of the time period (in minutes): Sample 1 (bored): X 5 14. A researcher asks if people score higher or lower on a questionnaire measuring their well-being when they are exposed to much sunshine compared to when they’re exposed to little sunshine. A sample of 8 people is measured under both levels of sunshine and produces these well-being scores: Low: 14 13 17 15 18 17 14 16 High: 18 12 20 19 22 19 19 16 (a) Subtracting low from high, what are H0 and Ha? A researcher investigates whether classical music is more or less soothing to air- traffic controllers than modern music. She gives each person an irritability question- naire and obtains the following: Sample A (classical): n 5 6, X 5 14. We predict that children exhibit more aggressive acts after watching a violent television show. The scores for ten participants before and after watching the show are Sample 1 (After) Sample 2 (Before) 5 6 4 4 7 3 2 1 4 3 (a) Subtracting before from after, what are H0 and Ha? You investigate whether the older or younger male in pairs of brothers tends to be more extroverted. You obtain the following extroversion scores: Sample 1 (Younger) Sample 2 (Older) 10 18 11 17 18 19 12 16 15 15 13 19 19 13 15 20 (a) What are H0 and Ha? A rather dim student proposes testing the conditions of “male” and “female” using a repeated-measures design. These success scores were obtained: No Course Course 11 13 14 16 10 14 12 17 8 15 14 12 15 13 18 9 11 11 (a) Should a one-tailed or a two-tailed test be used? What is the difference between an experiment versus a correlational study in terms of (a) the design? In recent chapters, you have learned about three different versions of a confidence interval. When computing a confidence interval, should you use the one-tailed or two-tailed tcrit? For the following, identify the inferential procedure to perform and the key infor- mation for answering the research question. To perform the independent samples t-test: D 2 D tobt 5 1©X22 s 2 D ©X 2 2 N df 5 N 2 1 sX 5 N 2 1 4. The formula for the confidence interval for mD is 1n 2 12s2 1 1n 2 12s2 2 1 1 2 2 1s 212t 2 1 D # # 1s 211t 2 1 D spool 5 D crit D D crit 1n1 2 12 1 1n2 2 12 5. The formula for Cohen’s d for independent 2 1 1 samples is sX 2X 5 spool a 1 b 1 2 B n n 1 2 X 2 X 1 2 1X 2 X 2 2 1 2 2 d 5 1 2 1 2 2s2 tobt 5 pool sX 2X 1 2 6. The formula for the confidence interval for the d 5 2s2 difference between two ms is D 7. The formula for r2 is 1sX 2X 212tcrit2 1 1X1 2 X22 # 1 2 2 # pb 1 2 1sX 2X 211tcrit2 1 1X1 2 X22 1t 22 1 2 2 obt rpb 5 2 3.
